Monday, February 15, 2010

The Benefits of Using Backlinks For Marketing Your Articles

In creating the pay for page view resource I solely intended this to be beneficial for all freelance writers who compose articles in a variety of topics, but honestly I have been neglecting this site for other ventures far and wide. Well what do you know, Google likes it! So here's a new post that I will attempt to spread throughout my network of online friends to see if I can attain some visits and share the love...

The Benefits of Using Backlinks
For Marketing Your Articles

As a freelance writer we all know the benefits of attaining article views for our pay per page view earnings so we can reap the rewards of our labors. Some times it may take a little more diligence to gain readers at newer articles, while older articles maintain a good flow of traffic. This can be very frustrating, especially when we believe the new article has good potential. The solution? Backlinks!

In many of the article publishing resources that I use I maintain the option of editing my published articles and you may also have this great privilege? Generally I try to write and publish topics that are related is some fashion, and in addition to gaining multiple page views from the same visitors, I also enjoy the benefit of utilizing backlinks in my articles which point to other articles that I am seeking to gain more attention to. In some cases this proves to be a very useful resource, while in other instances the backlinks rarely get clicked; either because the reader does not know that it is a link, or perhaps I utilized the wrong anchored backlink and readers have no interest in the link? Nevertheless, it is my experience that using backlinks for marketing articles is probably one of the most beneficial tools that any freelance writer can maintain in his or her article marketing campaign.

I sincerely invite all of you to try this very useful resource for gaining more visits to your new articles, and if you know of any other tricks or techniques I strongly invite your comments to this ideal.
